COMMON RESOLUTION of Preparatory Meeting
08-10-2015 TO 11-10-2015, DUBLIN (IRELAND)
(modified 06-12-2018 to 09-12-2018)
The participants of the preparatory meeting for the
"European CNC-Network – Magical Moving Machine for EUROPE"
agreed to the following common resolution:
- The participants will work on the basis of the already established European CNC-Network.
- The participants have agreed on a partnership called "European CNC-Network - Magical Moving Machine for EUROPE". The project is going to begin in October 2019 as part of the European programme "ERASMUS+ School Exchange Partnerships (KA229)" and will run for two years.
- All the schools that have taken part in the preparatory visits in Ivrea, Italy and in Dublin, Ireland will be invited into the planned project.
- All these partners will bring unique knowledge and skills to the project. Therefore, the participation of every member is essential to the success of the project as a whole.
- The participants have selected English as their working language.
- The partnership will work on product development which is inspired by an entrepreneurial mindset and creative thinking. It will display the complete procedure from the project idea to the final product.
- Every partner will have to produce one individual Moving Machine which should contain elements provided by each partner school as not all schools would have the capability to produce all parts without support and cooperation.
- The individual Moving Machines should also display any type of movement for example rotation, linear movements or oscillation. This should be realized by the use of renewable energy sources.
- All individual Moving Machines must be working individually and must also work as an essential part of a whole. They must be interconnected to form one final Magical Moving Machine.
- This Magical Moving Machine will represent the idea of the "European Spirit" (working together as unique but interdependent partners).
- The decision on the overall design will be part of a collaborative process by students at the beginning of the project.
- The main focus is on product development as a real-life case using new training materials and methods e.g. manufacturing prototypes by using, for example, 3D printing.
- The basic idea of prototyping is to ensure the quality of the future product or to decide on modifications at an early stage of the product development which is now a standardized procedure used in industry.
- After having evaluated the prototype, we will use CNC technology as the main method of production.
- In order to provide supply and assistance, we will try to find industrial partners from the fields of CNC, CAD/CAM and 3D Printing Technology as associate partners in this project.
- Students and teachers will benefit from the exchange of knowledge and experience through mutual visits.
- The participants plan to organize six "Transnational Training Activities" during the project:
- Oct/Nov 2019 [DE] Proposing ideas, examples and graphics of possible moving elements for the Magical Moving Machines. - Mar/Apr 2020 [IT] Discussing and defining framework parameters of the Moving Machines. Discussing details of linking possibilities of the individual Moving Machines. - Sept/Oct 2020 [HR] Improving CAD drawings and 3D models of linking elements in the individual Moving Machines. Discussing the design and production of common moving elements. - Jan/Feb 2021 [PT] Testing, evaluating and improving the prototypes of the common moving elements. Preparing CNC-production Programmes. - May/June 2021 [SI] Evaluating, quality control and improvement of the individual Moving Machines and linking elements. Discussing and planning the final presentation. - Sept 2021 [IE] Presenting the Magical Moving Machine by assembling all the individual Moving Machines. Final evaluation and feedback. - All partner schools involved have offered to host a "Transnational Training Activity". During the meeting in Dublin, we have decided on the above locations for the different meetings. (see paragraph 17).
- Every "Transnational Training Activity" will have to be planned for the duration of five days not including arrival and departure days.
- The partners will apply for funding for a maximum of seven participants (two teachers + five students) per meeting. The coordinating school may send two more persons.
- The participants will use and improve the existing internet platform as a basis for a long-lasting communication.
- Each step of the project requires the continuous engagement of the students which will be done through the eTwinning platform.
- The project should be integrated into in the targets and goals of the curricula for the training programs in the different partner schools.
- Between the meetings communication among project partners will be mainly internet-based. Therefore, the partners and especially the students should be provided with the technical equipment and knowledge needed for internet-based communication. Students will therefore have to be enabled to use the different media continuously. Enhancing and improving communication among students is a key element of the partnership.
- The Irish partner in Newpark School, Dublin will take over the coordination of the project.
The partners are convinced that this project is perfectly suited
to work out another successful project supported by the "European CNC-Network".
The result of our efforts symbolizes the successful cooperation
of the different European educational institutes.
We are confident that we have found with this project an excellent example
that will increase the "European spirit".