[PT] CENFIM [IT] IIS Olivetti [DE] BBS TGHS Bad Kreuznach [IE] Newpark Comprehensive School [HR] I. tehnička škola TESLA [SI] Šolski Center Celje A JS library for interactive maps



Newpark Comprehensive School
Coordinating School
Host of the Final Meeting
Dublin - IRELAND
BBS TGHS Bad Kreuznach
Host of the First Meeting
Bad Kreuznach - GERMANY
IIS Olivetti
Host of the Second Meeting
Ivrea - ITALY
I. tehnička škola TESLA
Host of the Third Meeting
Zagreb - CROATIA
Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Metalúrgica e Metalomecânica

Host of the Fourth Meeting
Šolski Center Celje -
Srednja Šola za Strojništvo, Mehatroniko in Medije

Host of the Fifth Meeting
Coordination       Webhosting                  
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